2170 Midland Road
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Populated by pleasant, knowledgeable technicians in a well-oiled program, and highly credentialed surgeons, my experience having my eyes evaluated for cataract surgery was great!
Staff at Carolina Eye center reached out after my previous review and made sure I have everything I need to get some assistance. Great customer services and VERY understanding of my frustrations.VERY much appreciated!
Everyone is courteous and competent. The care is excellent, and Im glad I have this care available. The main problem that is that so many patients are scheduled that waiting to be seen can last for several hours. My 2:45 appointment including check-out lasted until 5:30 p.m.
The front desk staff of Caitlyn, Teresa, and Allison are absolutely AWESOME! Stacie ( eye technician) was so professional and just great with all tests performed. Dr Grissom and his assistant Debra were absolutely thorough and answered all questions and concerns. I would definitely recommend Carolina Eye Associates, PA as a great referral with such great expertise and knowledge.